Plus size moms: your medical experience?

Hey ladies,

I'm a plus size girl due June 11th with baby #2. I knew whoever I chose as my ob would stress eating healthy and getting exercise (nothing I had a problem with, since I started doing that before getting pregnant and lost 20 lbs) The first doctor I went to was a nightmare: he told me it was a terrible idea for me to get pregnant while being overweight, that no way was he going to allow me to try a vaginal birth and I had to have a csection. I don't think I've ever been so furious. He spoke as though I was guaranteed to have preeclampsia and gestational diabetes and just every complication in the world. I called and made an appt with a different ob and she has been a dream. She didn't sugar coat things for me: yes my weight is an issue and she outlined possible complications but she assured she would monitor me closely and I had to make sure to follow her instructions and the politician's to the letter, and she didn't see any reason for me to not try a vaginal birth. It was such a relief, to know that I had someone in my corner who would help me work to overcome obstacles rather than write me off as a lost cause.

So my question to you moms is have you had similar experiences with your doctor? Has your ob been mostly positive or negative about your weight?