When things don't go as planned...

Courtney • Blessed with a rainbow on 11/27/15 💕🎀

My baby girl is frank breech :( I just found out on Tuesday. I scheduled a C-section for November 27th. I am so excited to be meeting her in just a week but I am so nervous.

I see C-sections all the time at work and know how safe they are but I still am scared something will go wrong and I am dreading the recovery.

I am delivering at a different hospital than I work at but the midwives at work want me to switch to them and try a vaginal breech because my doctor won't do it. I just don't want to switch from the providers I have been with through our 2 losses and this whole pregnancy because I trust them and their judgement. I also wouldn't be able to have any pitocin or an epidural if I decided to have a vaginal breech delivery..it would have to be completely on my own because of the risks..so that itself puts me at greater chance of having a c section anyway.

I also asked my Dr. about doing a version but they don't normally do those either and they only work about half the time anyway. Also, I have an anterior placenta so I am not very comfortable with the idea of them pushing that hard on my stomach and risking an abruption.

I have come to terms with the fact that she is probably breech for a reason. I have pretty noticeable scoliosis and a retroverted uterus so everything about me is extremely crooked :( I think she is fitting in there the only way she knows how.

So for the next week I will be pretty much standing on my head :-/ If she turns, then great...but I am going to let her do it on her own.

No matter how she gets here...I am so glad she is finally coming!! ♡♡♡