Who met their significant other through a dating app?

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I met my man a year ago on Tinder. We talked and went on dates. On our first date, he asked me if I would be his date to his company Christmas party. I said if we’re still talking by then, yes. We became official before the party. 2020 has been crazy though, we’ve had our ups and downs like all couples. He met my daughters finally 2 weeks ago and things couldn’t be better. We’ve been official for almost a year and we’re planning on moving in together in December 🤗 I haven’t told my parents or siblings yet because I know they’re going to say it’s too soon. But December can’t come fast enough lol. If it were up to him, We’d move in now. I am taking my daughters feelings into consideration, I wouldn’t move in with him until they’re ready but he’s been doing an amazing job at gaining their trust and respect. Before he met them, he would buy them things, toys, books, etc but he’d tell me to tell them that they’re from me since they didn’t know about him yet. That’s when I knew he really wanted to be in my life, he bought things for them without expecting anything not even praise from my daughters. My family loves him and my mom has told me that she thinks he’s the one. They say, when you know, you know. And I hope I’m right. The anxiety in me tries to tell me that anything can happen, that he might leave me one day or do something to jeopardize our relationship and my overthinking goes in overdrive. But he’s doing everything right and he’s been so patient with me I just know I shouldn’t be doubting his love for me.

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