No sex after PTSD


I will try to make this a short story. My girl had a baby in January and due to complications she has suffered from PTSD. Prior to baby we were in a gray area because she wasn’t sure she could even be in a relationship while being a first time mom. Since then we have remained very close and gotten much closer. Although she can’t say she is my girlfriend she says I am her girl. I think this is the closest she can get at this point. We also spend every night together and though I have an apartment I have not spent the night in my own apartment at all. We are very close and I care for her very much. Through all of this we have not resumed a physical relationship and I miss it. She says she is attracted to me and wants a physical relationship but that she just doesn’t get turned on by anyone right now and that her medication also makes her have a low libido. I feel selfish for wanting to have a physical relationship with her with everything she is gone through and I do not want to leave her because of something like this. I can please myself but I am afraid that if this is my only way to feel pleasure I will feel neglected by my partner and resent her for this. How can I get past this? I don’t want her to do something she doesn’t want to do but I need to find a way to connect with her and still feel like I am not being neglect on a physical level. Please don’t bash this post and say I am pathetic or desperate etc... I am not going to leave her, she cares about me as much as she can care for someone right now and I care for her so very much. I just want help figuring out how to make this work and how to be patient while we work through this. She has been through so much and I don’t want to push her.