My Son Came To Me About Sex

Honestly, just a father trying to figure out how to help his kid. Me and my wife's 17 year old came to us yesterday and said he needed to talk. He told us he had sex. Mg wife's first question was did he use a condom and he said yes. He then told us it didn't... Feel right. I start to think he's gonna tell us he's gay. He starts saying how having sex wasn't what he expected. And that he didn't like it. My wife said a lot of people's first time is bad, but my son says its deeper than that. That he doesn't want to have sex with anyone. It wasn't something he liked. My wifes says "Well you're kinda gonna have to learn to like it because I need grandchildren ". I kept quiet because I wasn't sure what to say. My wife was saying it will get better and he'll get better at sex, but he kept telling us he doesn't want to get better because he just doesn't feel like kind of emotion with sex. At the end of th conversation my wife just pretty much said "Fake it til you make it". I feel like this conversation just left him more confused. I'm not really sure how to go about this. I've never been through this before. This is a weird thing to ask for advice on, but I'm not really sure what to say. I wang to talk to him about it again privately but have no idea how to with this type of situation.