4weeks 6 Days


Hey ladies I’m super happy to be here. With my second rainbow baby. My blood test have come back and its looking to be a sticky bean this time.

I am staying positive and trying to focus on baby in the future.

I went for blood work & my results are in today 47 HCG & Progesterone which is why i struggled to carry my other pregnancies was 17 today. It is normally in my miscarriages only 0.2.

I am on progesterone suppository nightly & metformin to help with my insulin resistance until delivery.

I go for repeat blood work in the morning praying for 94 HCG or higher and continued progesterone levels to be higher.

Here are pictures of my test progression what do you ladies think do they look to be progressing each day?


9/29 ( excuse it being upside down. )