How do I help my stressed momma friend?


So my long-time BFF has had an extremely stressful life. She's never taken care of herself! Now she(37 yrs. old) is having a lot of blood pressure problems and rapid heart rate in the middle of the night! I've begged and pleaded for her to get therapy and she just will not do it!! She's become extremely co-dependent on her six-year-old son and will not leave him for even a minute! Also, extremely controlling over everything in her life which I know is to keep herself occupied so she does not have to focus on herself. She is needed by everyone in her family, her mother had a heart transplant 2 yrs. ago. The stepdad just had a kidney transplant a month ago. Her baby daddy, whom she lives with, is verbally/mentally abusive and does not help with the child at all.😭

Has anyone here suffered with this?

Any suggestions on things I can do to help my friend if she won't go to therapy? How did you make time for yourself when you were about to have a mental breakdown? Or your health has suffered tremendously...