Getting through a break up?


I love this guy with my whole heart and can’t picture where life is going to take me now that he’s broken up with me. He said he wants to break up bc we fight too much but we haven’t even fought in the last 2 months probably. Two nights ago we were laying in bed together and he was telling me how much he loves me and can’t wait to marry me and tonight he locked me out of our apartment, deleted everything on his socials with me in it, and called my mom to come and get me. He’s blocked me on everything and wont even talk to me. I can’t think of what I could’ve done to cause this. I feel like he’s met somebody else. He use to talk to other girls a lot when we first got together and would hide it from me, but I haven’t caught him doing that recently. I don’t know what to think. Part of me wishes this never would have happened and I could still be laying next to him in our bed all cuddled up. It hurts so much and I feel like I’m going to get sick. Part of me wishes I could turn off all my emotions and erase every bit of him from my memory. I don’t even know what to do.