What should I think?


I coach the local Junior high cheer groups in my area, very proud of what I do, expecially since I'm the youngest coach in the district at 20 years.

I do have a unique situation. I do suffer from numerous physical(legs) and mental disorders ( learnings and depression and anxiety) but I am also 85 percent deaf in bother ears. I do require hearing aids and rely on lip reading to communicate. Phone talking has never been a strong suit. All this is due to being born prematurely and lack of catching things early

I've always been okay with who and what I am. I've adjusted to being different and was proud of everything I've accomplished. but today, an upset parent (male) had verbally attacked me... now I am okay and fine with dealing with some of the issues he has (mainly due with lack of funding from our schools and how we had to change location of practices due to us losing safe practicing space, all of which I can't control but wish I could)

He then asked (screamed) as to why I do not communicate through.phone (I have explained in the beginning of the season my dosability) I attempted to explain why and what's the best way I communicate...

He then decided to mock my disability, making rude comments. Purposefully covering his mouth. Mocking my speech and questioning my functioning ability...

Now I know...people like that shouldn't get to me...but that's the first time I've ever had a reaction like that...it surprised me how much It hurt...

Am I fooling myself about what I "think" I can do...am I putting my teams at risk because of it...

Since this, I've questioned everything..

Some support would be really greatly appreciated. Thank you in advanced.