

I’m only 32 weeks. I have GD that cant be controlled with diet so I am also on insulin. I know I’ll be induced at 39 weeks. On top of GD, I have a lot of fluid in my belly causing me to measure larger even though baby is measuring right on track (actually a couple days behind). I now have to have an NST, ultrasound, and appt every week. Today I went for my first NST and I was hooked up and kicked back relaxing when the nurse comes in and asks if I’m in pain. I looked at her like she was nuts and said no. Apparently the NST was showing baby was fine but I was apparently having a lot of contractions. I told her I felt one but just assumed it was Braxton Hicks. She had me drink water, called the laborist, and then they chose to do an IV drip for fluids. They also did a vaginal swab to check for proteins that would show if I was in actual labor. I got there at 10 and didn’t leave until 1:30 and then got sent to an ultrasound. Since my contractions (which I really wasn’t feeling) settled a little, they sent me home finally. It was scary for a minute because at one point they were discussing my situation and when I just told them how surprised I was and that I didn’t have the nursery ready yet, the nurse patted my leg and told me politely that if baby came today, she wouldn’t be coming home with us for a while which I knew but it’s still not something I had considered. The ultrasound then, I found out, wasn’t a growth scan but they watched for things like her practicing breathing and movement/position. Now tonight, I’m sitting with my feet up and I’m definitely feeling contractions on and off and it’s really starting to worry me. They aren’t very consistent but when I notice them, they are intense. I’ve been drinking water all evening trying to keep hydrated. Has anyone else been dealing with this?? I feel like I’m way too early but I’m worried with the ultrasound that the doctors are starting to worry she’s coming sooner than that 39 weeks. I was induced with my son for another issue at 39 weeks and I felt no contractions but was told I was having them and they were very consistent and the machine was showing them to be very intense but I swear I felt nothing until they broke my water. I’m really afraid I’m going to be in actual labor preterm and have no idea.