How to make it all special

Spirit Momma Bursey • Spiritual momma. 6 earthside, 6 as angels but love enough to fill my soul. The end of an era. Newest, and last, little born 02/28/24. Momma loves you all my littles.

Ladies this is my last baby. Im 34 years old with serious genetic issues in my family.

That being said, this is also a harder time to be pregnant and be able to celebrate it with loved ones. My husband and I are doing a gender reveal (our first reveal, and this js baby 2 for us and 5 for me) by doing photos and a video to post online and to also send to family and friends outside of social media.

We've had a boy and girl poll online and have had a lot of success with people wanting to be included and ibe neen told they've been enjoying themselves.

I know I've asked before but what are your thoughts on a drive-by shower? If not a drive-by, what are some safe alternatives?

We will also be doing a poll close to 35 weeks with guesses to baby's actual birthday, weight and height as I've never done thay before and have always thought it was something fun.

I also wanted to ask about maternity photos. For those who are doing them or have done them in the past are they worth it?

Again this is my last baby and I want to do everything that would be normal in a world without covid right now.

Any thoughts, ideas, advice on all of this?

And anything that you can think of to make this pregnancy even more special?

This is super important to me.

Thanks so much everyone.