Anatomy scan report


So I had to share this in case anyone else was stressing about their 20 week anatomy scan. I did mine through the NHS yesterday and the nurse said everything looked fine but when I got home and looked at the report she had given me I saw the femur length was in the 5th percentile (ie very small) I did some googling and completely freaked reading about all of the possible complications (downs/dwarfism etc). I booked a private scan for 4 hours later with a consultant so I could find out more. She did a full anatomy scan again and all of the measurements were completely different and femur was now in the 36th percentile. I’ve attached photos of both so you can see just how different the reports are from 4 hours apart. There is a 5mm difference in head circumference! She explained that depending on the position/angle of the baby during the scan and at what point the sonographer measures a bone from the numbers can differ. Moral of the story, don’t read too much into these reports!!