:/ wanted life to be different

I feel really upset, I miss my boyfriend. I feel upset. I thought we would do this as a pair. I didn't work because I thought he would take care of me I'm seven months pregnant and not working now just thinking about money and family. Imagine having a happy family thinking about thanksgiving and Christmas just to have that taken. I just don't understand, especially how men can love a woman until she gets pregnant. If he didn't want a family, why not break up, I offered an abortion at a few weeks pregnant. I deserved a better life a man who loved me and his child. Not some guy who hides his feelings, and is sketchy. He doesn't understand what position I'm in, I depended on him for the money and driving I know that's abusive on his part he wouldn't let me work. But honestly what about his baby doesn't he want a incredible future. I just feel like I wish I had known from the beginning what he was after all these times he says he loves me but its like he's to scared to commit to change to move forward together it was like he was nuts. I just don't understand I knew I was ready to get settled down, I knew I loved him, I knew we were in a long term relationship, so where in all that time does he stop imagining our future together? After all his talks about I want to marry you I want kids. The sad thing is I know he cares but he has so many issues letting himself feel anything you think this is his first baby he's with the love of his life he'd be happy instead he started drinking. I just wanted him to be upfront, yes it would of broken my heart but I could replace him. But now a child together. What do I tell my baby oh your dad is alive he just was 25 and he couldn't grow up own up, yes he has the choice of seeing you seeing you grow up being with you every holiday but he decided to decide your mom was to emotional and he couldn't handle a pregnant girlfriend or be truthful, he brought you into this world and washed his hands clean. Doesn't that bother anyone why lie about loving a woman and wanting to marry her? Why not get a abortion and break up. Now you hurt yourself and two other people. Be clear of what you want just say it. I don't understand why people don't think about there actions it's like robbing a bank with out a mask on while telling your real name expecting to wash your hands clean won't work out like that. I hate shitty men. How do prearranged marriages work it's not hard staying in a relationship with a good girl. I'm just feeling like I made a big mistake yes I was ready for a family but together not all these bullshit stories, he could of given me a chance at life he could of encouragement me to work could of encouraged me to drive could of been there for me a real man. I understand wanting to be the sole provider, but how is that helping our future how is that picking me up. I supported him like baby you got this you can do it you got this job. I just felt abused the things he said to me I just wonder how someone can talk down to you and that's not love I understand getting mad and snapping and apologize but I never got an apology but I'm just angry how people hurt each other. Divorce cheating leaving like shit life isn't about being selfish why do I have to be scarface and not trust anyone, or be really careful about who you really are just be real. Leaving a relationship isn't about you, it's about the mental health of your partner, your child's life and you have to think about money if its a serious relationship like if I leave what's going to happen. You can't do something reckless and expect everyone to be okay. Everyone has a reason but dam breaking up for nothing for a piece of ass or for some stupid fight like not buying ketchup. What's wrong with people till death do you part. I just hate liars I've seen women stay man's in prison, Man is unemployed just I've seen women bend over backwards for men who didn't deserve her. For what what did the woman get only good thing men offer is strength and protection and giving you a kid. What happened to all the best of people giving your 100 percent. I hate liars I hate this a innocent kid deserves love