What the heck man.. šŸ˜”

Vent/rant/getting shit off my chest post SUPER LONG I donā€™t care for judgement for people thinking Iā€™m feeling sorry for myself I just want to say whatā€™s been bothering me for so long.

I have absolutely nothing. Iā€™m at a new low and Iā€™m so frustrated. Im 35 weeks pregnant, I have no money because of bills and helping take care of other people, I have no job because no one is trying to hire me when they know Iā€™d have to take leave because Iā€™m due soon, I have no vehicle to get around because my car broke down and needs so much done to it and on top of that my fiancĆ© asks me to sign a prenup before we get married ā€œjust in caseā€. I have exactly zero dollars in savings because all of the money Iā€™ve have was taken by my fiancĆ©, I have zero clothes that fit me because Iā€™m so fucking huge and couldnā€™t buy myself any clothes this whole pregnancy because of bills stacking and needing to be paid. I am basically this house maid that just cleans up after everyone in the house because they let dishes stack so high it fills the counters. IMMEDIATELY after I finish cleaning someone is in the kitchen ready to cook again and leaving the mess which, I WOULD LEAVE IT AND LET THEM CLEAN FOR THEMSELVES BUT I WOULD MIGHT AS WELL LIVE IN THE DUMPSTER BECAUSE MESS DOESNT BOTHER THEM. I moved out of state with my fiancĆ© and now Iā€™m stuck with all my stupid problems and no family or friends to lean on because they all have their own families and lives to deal with so Iā€™m not blaming them at all. I congratulate all those around me reaching success but man when I was down on my luck and had barely enough for a hot meal Iā€™d stick my neck out for others and give them money and whatever I had that they could use more. But it seems no one gives a rats ass about me and I think thats so upsetting. And yeah yeah I need to put on my big girl pants and grow tf up and start handling stuff myself but man i just needed to vent and say what Iā€™ve been holding my tongue on for so long. I feel so under appreciated and taken for granted and so damn used.