Who was wrong?

I’m feeling really bad for my boyfriend of 6 years right now, but I feel like he was in the wrong 😞. He has severe anxiety and depression and the two main people in his life are me and his best friend who he’s been really close friends with for like a year now (but knew each other for like 2 years).

Anyway his friend has been pulling back, hasn’t hung out with him in 3 weeks (they were hanging out every other day for months), hasn’t been texting him unless he needs something etc. My boyfriend didn’t say anything but he sensed something was wrong.

Two nights ago my boyfriend’s friend messaged him saying he’s been depressed and doesn’t feel like hanging out. My boyfriend responded that when he was depressed he still made an effort to hang out because it made him feel better, and that even though he’s depressed he should make an effort to do things. My boyfriend’s friend took offense to this, said he didn’t know how to response that and that he was stressing him out, said he’s been busy lately, and then said he thinks it’s best if they take a break. He said my boyfriend was making him uncomfortable and he said he’s uncomfortable having so much of my boyfriends things at his house, and he wants to stop by and get his things that he was letting my boyfriend borrow and he would give him back the things he was borrowing.

Here’s where I think my boyfriend was wrong. My boyfriend was saying things like, you and my girlfriend are the only two closest people I have in my life, I miss you, etc. I don’t think his friend feels as close to him as he does... it seems like he doesn’t view the friendship in the same way.

The whole situation is just awkward and I think their friendship is over. They both said some pretty harsh things to each other. Who is in the wrong here?

(They are both 21)

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