19 month old doesn’t point and doesn’t look at what you point to.

Has anyone’s child ever done this and they’ve been ok?

My daughter has over 100 words in her vocabulary (including 2-3 word sentences). When she wants food, she says nummy num. I’ll pull out things from the cupboard and she’ll say no or yes. Other times, she’ll look at something and say please.

She waves, claps, raises her arms, points randomly to things (in books, for example), nods and shakes her head.

She sings ABC, twinkle twinkle little star, ba ba black sheep, incy wincy spider.

She gives eye contact. When someone smiles at her, she smiles back.

We’re on a possibly one year waiting list to see early intervention, so I guess I’m just after some hope.

Note: any questions asked will be answered here.

Edit: I had no problem with the way my baby was developing until her 18m needles. The GP asked questions, and my answers didn’t satisfy her apparently, so the referral is to the Paediatrician, I found out. Which can be up to a year’s wait here.