24 weeks with weird back pain


The pain comes and goes every few min, this has happened all day. It ranges from sharp pain to a dull ache. I have only had a few stomach cramps the whole day though, nothing really contraction like but probably more like braxton hicks. The passed few day ive had diarrhea and stomach aches, much much more tired than normal today as well. I guess im asking if this is normal? I have 3 kids and didnt experience this so early with my others. Ive never been in pre term labor before, but now im worried. At first the back pain was enough to ignore, i figured shes just sitting funny today or something. But now im just sitting here on the couch and im reallllyyyy uncomfortable. It does go away and come back every few min like i said.. has anyone experienced this? My OB only works until noon on Friday's, should i phone a nurse or am i just being silly?