Need advice ladies

I had a miscarriage at 28 weeks pregnant. He was a still born. I had pre eclmpsia and it caused placental abruption. I had to be rushed in for an emergency c-section, I almost lost my life myself, my kidneys shut down and my body was slowly shutting down itself. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing but also very scary. Here I am now with pcos and not sure if I ever can get pregnant again. The Dr said I would be high risk if I do get pregnant. I'm not sure how I'd stay calm through my pregnancy because I would worry about the past happening all over again. It's been 6 years since this horrific event and I'm trying to conceive again. Been trying for almost a year now. Any tips for me on how to just relax? I'm a nervous person to begin with but it's going to be hard with these previous events if I do conceive again and do you think it's worth it to even try again since im high risk pregnancy? Would I be risking my life again? What are my chances of this happening again? I know none of you are doctors (or maybe some are) but I'm just looking for advice as to what you would do in my position, please dont judge. Thanks in advanced!