Advice on doing the deed more...

My husband and I are both in our mid 30's, have been together 7 years, married for 1 year, and TTC baby #1. We started in January, got pregnant right away. Then had a misscarraige in March and officially started trying again in May.

I use the <a href="">Glow app</a> and ovulation test kits to determine when I'm ovulating. We usually have sex the day before and day after ovulation in my fertile window, with no success yet. Other than that, we're maybe having sex a couple other times in a month, not in my fertile window. I hear from everyone to have sex every other day to maximize your chances, but we're finding it very difficult to make this a reality. We both work full time jobs in the medical field and many days we're so exhausted after work or stressed about the next day. My husband falls asleep on the couch often when we watch TV. 😴

Anyone go through a similar experience? Any advice on how to actually maximize our chances of conceiving and how to bring the enthusiasm back into our sex life?