I can't win! Ugh


I try really hard to be healthy. I am 31 weeks pregnant. I drink fruit smoothies every day, eat vegetables, exercise, drink tons of water, etc. I have had 2 uti/kidney infections, a sinus infection that required antibiotics, and now I'm getting sick again! That's just in this pregnancy. I'm normally one of those people that never get sick! I don't know what to do! My daughter will get a little stuffy nose and the next day I am coughing up phlegm, can't sleep (coughing all night), achey, stuffy nose, etc.

I'm so freaking tired of being sick and miserable. I don't know what to do! I don't want to be taking any medications! (I don't take anything during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary).

Advice? Anyone else miserably sick all the time too?