Hi everyone long time i haven't been on here for awhile

👑Catalina • 1st year college student studying sports medicine my dream job 😍👌
Hi everyone long time I haven't been on here. I was sick back in September I went to urgent care at 8pm like right when I got outta work cause I was throwing up none stop. So they gave me a dissolving pill didn't help me so they gave me a shot on my hip that didn't help neither. When I got home I was having problems breathing my ribs where hurting when I took a breath. I didn't sleep good that night only slept for three hours at 4am my mom decided to take me to ER. I went in they put an IV in me to help take the pain away which did help I slept for four hours well kinda cause the nurses kept waking me up it hurt a lot when the doctor pushed down on my stomach so he sent me to get an ultrasound done. Got the test results back turned out I had gallstones so I got sent to see my primary doctor later that day she sent me to a specialist doctor. He said if I want them out I said ya so three weeks later he set my surgery October 27th is when I got them out man when I woke up I was in so much pain but so dizzy as well. In order for me to go home I had to walk which hurt like if someone just finished stabbing me in the stomach. But now gonna be a month later I'm all better I'm not in pain no more got released from my specialist doctor and next week back to my primary doctor :) but I'm all excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas well really Christmas lol :)