Checking pregnancy tests after the 3 minute time mark

Hello! So I was basically convinced I had a chemical pregnancy yesterday bc I’ve taken 5 tests since Friday and the one yesterday was way lighter than all of them. It was midday. I took one this morning fmu off of advice on here. Looked at the test at the 3 minute mark and barely anything there. So I throw it away and shower. Showered pretty quick, late for work you know! Lol and decided to amuse myself. So I checked the test and at this point it had been about 7 minutes after I threw the test away. Why is it a darker pink? Would that be indent? Would it actually be positive even though it was almost 10 minutes after being dipped in my urine?!?!

Trying to figure out if I should wait another week and test again and then set a blood test at my gyno! But also waiting a bit to tell my husband bc of saying chemical pregnancy last night. I think he’s trying to hop in his feelings so I don’t get more upset having to wait another month. Thanks for all your also help. Since I found this app and started trying with my husband everyone’s advice and help has been so incredible💕