hes not trying to get me off..?

Soo ive been dating this guy about a month (we arent official yet) - i really really like him, we click so well together and i'm always laughing with him. However when we have sex its like he cums and its done. Hes 21 and im about to turn 21 this week. I kind of have a feeling he is inexperienced because he only ever tries the same position and he cums pretty fast and doesn't prioritize getting me off. Idk how to ask him to try and make me cum, bc like it wont be enjoyable if i feel like im making him do it if that makes sense. I cant cum just from sex, i need to be eaten out or fingered. the sex is good dont get me wrong, when he cums fast he will usually recoup and go for a round 2 or 3.. and he turns me on a lot so thats not an issue. idk if hes just like, expecting me to get off from sex? or thinks im getting off already..? im not one to fake it. so idk at all. everything is so new with him and i havent dated since i broke up w my ex last december. what would u ladies do in this situation?