Is this PPD? Please help šŸ˜©šŸ˜©

Mel ā€¢ Fla šŸŒ“ ā€¢ 24 šŸ¦© ā€¢ Girl gang šŸ’• ā€¢ Malayla Grace 03/27/14 šŸ¦„ ā€¢ Liahni Jade 04/17/20 šŸ¦‹ ā€¢ Engaged to my bestfriend of 7 years 01/13/13 šŸ–¤šŸ’ ā€¢ IG: princess.melinez šŸ’‹

Hi girls. This is a weird topic for me and idk what to think. I had my daughter in April (sheā€™s 5 months old) & sheā€™s the love of my life. I have a 6 year old daughter as well who I love so much! With my firstborn I didnā€™t experience this. I had baby blues and that subsided in the first two weeks to a month and I was good to go. But this is different. Hereā€™s what Iā€™m experiencing....

I just feel kind of lost and donā€™t know whether I have it. And Iā€™ve questioned it for like the last 3-4 months but I just keep telling myself ā€œoh Iā€™m okay, itā€™s just cause Iā€™m a new mom againā€ or ā€œitā€™s just being home all the timeā€ or ā€œitā€™s the breastfeeding & I will stop crying once thatā€™s overā€ but I just donā€™t feel like myself. Iā€™m TRYING so hard to tho. And not everyday is bad. I have really good days. But most days I find myself TRYING to have a good day and itā€™s exhausting. I donā€™t ever have any issues in regards to harming myself or my baby (although I get really scary intrusive thoughts ABOUT my baby being harmed -not by me- that can be very overwhelming regardless) but I have just about every other sign and it scares me and I feel like Iā€™m trying to avoid it cause ā€œI couldnā€™t possibly have ppdā€ versus seeking help cause I donā€™t want to seem over dramatic. I have some really good days donā€™t get me wrong, but I spend 75% of my time feeling hopeless, unworthy, inadequate, guilty, etc. & my fiancĆ© does a great job of telling me how amazing I am so itā€™s nothing to do with him or the support I get in house. So idk why I feel these ways. Iā€™ve thought maybe itā€™s not having a job but work doesnā€™t give me a sense of worthiness & the idea of working again stresses me out so much cause Iā€™m already so stressed without work taking up my time so idk. Iā€™m constantly having outbursts of tears and frustration, or will just randomly go from happy, to sad or quiet in a second without warning or reason. Iā€™m exhausted but have trouble sleeping. My memory and concentration has been everywhere and trying to remain focused on even just the smallest tasks can be difficult considering I have to remember so much on a daily and weekly basis when it comes to my girls, my fiancĆ©, the 2 dogs, the house, bills, the errands, the homeschooling, job searching, etc.. Some days I eat everything and other days I donā€™t wanna eat at all and Iā€™m skipping meals and barely eating. Some days I have so much energy and get all the laundry and cleaning done and other days I barely wanna wash a spoon or make a PBJ for my daughter. And then, on those nights especially, I go to bed at night and feel guilty about not wanting to mom or in general just being exhausted trying to exist in my world that I cry myself silently to sleep to avoid waking my fiancĆ© and having to explain how Iā€™m feeling cause idk how to explain how Iā€™m feeling or why I feel like crying. & this has never been me. Iā€™m so happy and outgoing and carefree. & I wanna open up to my fiancĆ© cause heā€™s the only one I trust and who knows me like the back of his hand, but he worries so much and I donā€™t want him to think itā€™s him or heā€™s the problem cause itā€™s not that at all. But I feel like he wouldnā€™t understand why I feel this way. I thought my hormones would even out so I didnā€™t think much of it in the beginning, and then I thought breastfeeding was just hard and that too will settle eventually. But itā€™s been months and I still feel like I havenā€™t found myself yet since giving birth to my daughter. & I try to keep everything going the same, & act as if nothings wrong in hopes that if I do that, I will realize nothings actually wrong. But now Iā€™m just questioning whether or not I should just call my doctor? But for what? For them to push happy pills on me I donā€™t wannna take. Iā€™m just so lost...i know itā€™s okay not to be okay. But I donā€™t feel okay not being okay when my family needs me to be okay for them. and trying to remain okay is just becoming an exhausting job cause I donā€™t even know whatā€™s wrong...šŸ˜«