I need help. 💔

Miranda • Let's be friends where we don't have too worry about repeating one another's personal lives to the world. 🙊
Me and my boyfriend got in a fight tonight. He has never been this angry. He proceeded in telling me to "get the fuck out of my truck you're a crazy abbusive bitch!!!" and I said no and started going into hysterics (not thewises move). Then he kept trying to leave me there and I grabbed his sweat shirt (not aggressively) and I was doing the typical crying upset BS. And he left so I was by his moms and went there (I had some stuff there) and I talked to her and she took me too my car. My "bf" then texted me like 4 pages saying how he loves me but we fight too much and I'm abbusive? I literally never yell or lay my hands on him out of anger but I am seriously so heart broken and shook up right now. Idk what to do. Where to go. Or if this is even worth it... I feel like the initial leaving is the hardest part.Â