Fetal Arrhythmia?

Katie 👼💖💙👼👼💙👼👼

So two weeks ago was our anatomy scan at 18.4 weeks and everything came back normal. At 20.4 weeks I had my regular Dr appointment and when she went to listen to baby we all heard his heart rate decelerate before picking back up again. It kept happening so she sent me in for an ultrasound the next morning. The tech literally showed me on the screen how the heart was beating normal and then would slow way down before going back up again. They think it's just an Arrhythmia but are sending a referral for a more in depth look at his heart. I'm so worried and anxious because we lost our baby boy last year when I was 16 weeks because of something wrong with the placenta and blood clots.

Does anyone have any experience with this or similar situations? 💙