Morning sickness


Hey everyone,

I am 5w5d pregnant with my first baby. I’m super paranoid. A friend of mine just suffered her second miscarriage. I have not experienced any bleeding or spotting, some mild cramping which I would describe more as pressure its more annoying than painful and also been burping like crazy. But my morning sickness was there when I first found out last week and has gradually lessened. Although I occasionally just gag or dry heave for no reason out of nowhere and than am fine. Is this normal? I heard that symptoms going away is a bad sign but they just seemed to have changed a little? I know that the sickness doesn’t usually start until the 6th week ish. I am just so paranoid to get excited. My first ultrasound is on the 26th, I’ll be about 7weeks 4 days by than.

Thanks for any help or knowledge! This is my first pregnancy and Im worried I’m overthinking it.