Need advice! Trying to hang out until my ultrasound


Hey ladies 6 weeks today. I feel pretty normal. I have very little smell issues today, no nausea & my breast are sore and i have a ton of clear discharge but other wise i feel completely normal.

Anyone else feeling this way?

My first beta was on 9/28 ( 3w6d) and came back at 47

Second beta was on 9/30 (4w1d)and came back at 113

My first HCG test on 9/26 (3w4d)

My second was on 9/29 (4w)

Third was on 10/1 (4w2d)

Early ultrasound at 5 weeks 1 day showed small fluid in the endometrium but HCG was not over 2000 yet. Was told it can be hard to see until that point.

Fourth was on 10/9 ( 5w 3D)

I have had symptoms until today. They are a lot less today. Except for my discharge it is more. Breast tenderness is about the same. Ultrasound is scheduled for 10/19. I can’t help but feel nervous.