Fetal Echocardiogram


Question for other High Risk Pregnancies only please.

I had my 16 week check up today (I am seen every 4 weeks), the heartrate was between 140s-150s. She said well schedule your anatomy scan and see you back in 4 weeks. (High risk reason: I've been on insulin since week 5 of pregnancy, im type 2 diabetic, with an autoimmune disorder, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Hypothyroidism and PCOS plus BMI of 35)

I got the call today they are going to do a fetal echocardiogram (the lady explained due to being high risk), and then youll meet with Maternal Fetal Medicine for your anatomy scan. (My Endocrinologist and Ob will also be looking at my anatomy scan).

Ob said every 4 weeks after my anatomy scan (so 24, 28, 32, 36, and 39 weeks as I am being induced) I will be having ultrasounds to monitor my little girl (again due to my high risk).

Has anyone else had to have a echo cardiogram during their anatomy scan?