Over all, what stage have you reached when TTC for more than 3 years?

29 & TTC for baby #1 for 5.5 years
Year 1:  excited, confused, disappointed; No aid.
Year 2: worried, disappointed, frustrated, angry, depressed; saw fertility specialist & told I am overweight by 30lb.
Year 3:  disappointed, depressed, angry; no answers. Hated going online, watching TV or even out to the mall!  Babies and pregnant women everywhere!
Year 4: confused, depressed, frustrated; What is wrong!
Year 5: confused, hope, progress; Diagnosed with PCOS by 2 fertility specialists.  New plan:  Clomid (failed) & metformin.
Currently:  clomid again, more regulated period & ovulation via metformin.  I will not give up!

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