The wait is over 😘 my labor story !


Legend B. Spearman

Born Nov. 17th @ 36 weeks 6 days

This is my third child and all my labors have been easy except this one, I was in labor the night before already at 4 cm dilated and contractions were getting worse and worse when I was at the hospital but the doctor felt like it was okay to send me home, and told me to go to my doc appt that morning. I was mad because i was in so much pain and I knew I was goin to be right back in there . So once i got home the contractions was really making me want to cry, i knew i was going to have him in no time. 6 in the morning came, I told my mom "Lets goo now i feel like i have to push!!!" by time the ambulance came It was BEYOND bad i couldnt hold it anymore. I thought they were gonna have to deliver me in the ambulance but luckily I was strong enough til I got to the hospital, as soon as I got there it was time to push already.... The same doctor that sent me home was still there so she delivered ... Everything was good. He was 4lbs 11 oz but healthy so he got to stay by me the whole time, Thank God!! Once I got settled and into my room. I felt like I was in labor again...I just knew something wasnt right. As soon as I went to the restroom and pulled my pants down blood clots and so much blood instantly came out. I had like 5 nurses running back in forth in my room tryning to see what was wrong with me, cuz at this time im laying in the bed with all of these blood clots and blood gushing out of me. I began to become weak and pale. I couldn't even breathe at this point, i kept getting soo hot i thought i was gonna go under... But they end up giving me too medicines and finally got all of that mess out of me. Come to find out that non knowing doctor left a bunch of placenta inside of me... I was soo mad and I thank God that everything went okay cuz i could of died.. But at the end of it all I was Blessed!! And no more kids for me, I have my Trio 😘