My scary (almost met my baby) preterm story

I've been told this whole pregnancy that I would not go until my due date. . I went to my dr appointment last week for my weekly NST (due to GD) and was contracting every 3-4 min. They immediately sent me to the hospital. There, I was given three bags of fluid and and a pill to knock me out for a few days to take it easy and sent on my way. I was 33 weeks. This week, at my dr appointment, I was on the NST machine and again, contracting so back to L&D I went. This time more serious because I was now 34 weeks and this is when they don't get too aggressive in stopping labor. I was given one bag of fluids and 3 doses of Procardia... One every 10 minutes to try to relax my uterus. They also gave me a bag of antibiotics (in case my GBS swab came back positive). I was also given the first of two steroid shots to help mature baby's lungs in the even of an early delivery. From there, I was admitted to my hospitals Antepartum (before active labor) suites. I had to stay the night for observation. I was taking Procardia around the clock every 6 six hours but still contracting. I was only dilated to a 2. I could not go home until 5pm when it was time for my second steroid shot. So until then, I was on fluids and antibiotics. What a mess this was. Because of all the IV medication, my vein blew while administering my antibiotics. The pain almost caused me to pass out. Then the contractions just stopped. I was able to get some rest and 5:00 came around. She gave my the second steroid shot (which by the way sucks. It's like hair gel consistency and it has to go deep in the muscle) in my arm instead of my butt (per my request) and finally let me go home. The second I got home my contractions started again... But I was able to sleep through them and now we're here. I made it through the night. Contractions are still mild. When I was checked yesterday, I really have a feeling she secretly swept my membranes because I've been passing mucus with red blood in it. When I showed it to my nurse she just said it was my bloody show. I'm still wiping some here and there. So we shall see.... By no means do I want a Preemie, but I know just as well as they do that our little Mason has plans of his own. 
Sorry if this is all over the place... Still super tired from everything. Feel free to share your scary hospital stories!