Pack n play vs crib


My husband and I have a tiny 1br apartment and barely any room for baby things. We are contemplating bw a smaller crib or a pack n play for nighttime. We're leaning towards a pack n play but am not sure how safe it is for overnight (I'm paranoid about sids). Any thoughts or suggestions?
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Posted at
I have this and when I put baby to sleep for the night.. I remove both bassinet and changing pad.. 


Rosemary • Nov 23, 2015
got the same one


Raina • Nov 23, 2015
I just bought this one :)


😲BEX😲 • Nov 23, 2015
this is the same one I'm getting!


Posted at
For the first few months a rock n play has been my best friend for all of my babies. It's small, portable, folds up, keeps baby slightly elevated, and has always been perfect bed height so baby can sleep safety next to me. Highly recommend getting one!


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Pack n play...multi use


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My girls were in a pack n play in our room until they were almost 6m. 


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From amazon


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My room is not big at all but i made room for crib its 7 in one i got off amazon it depends how big is the room


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A pack and play should be a very safe sleeping environment as long as you don't add anything into it with baby (extra blankets or stuffed animals). It has a firm sleeping surface and breathable mesh sides - both recommended for safety. 


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I have a 19 month old and just moved him from a pack and play into a toddler bed about 2 months ago. He has a perfectly good crib he slept in maybe 3 times... So I def vote pack and play! 


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They make really awesome pack n plays that have little cubbies underneath for clothing and cubbies/shelves on the side of the flip down changing table for diapers and wipes. That's what we used with our first. We were in a tiny tiny studio apartment. And when a pack n play can be a whole nursery it's pretty awesome!! Cribs a beautiful but not a whole lot of multi use. 


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In all honesty they can do without a crib for the first year of their life. I used a bassinet for my 1st until she grew out of it. I'm currently trying to decide if I should use a bassinet or just a pack n play this time around. They are so tiny at first a crib isn't a necessity.