Pregnancy symptoms?


I am 13dpo and have had a myriad of symptoms. I’ll list them below. I am hoping for a BFP in the few days. But we will see. Maybe reading about these symptoms will help someone else.

1. Worst symptom is lightheadedness - have had this since ovulation.

2. Nausea and now vomiting once or twice a day for 3/7 now

3. Heavy and larger breasts, and tenderness especially on deep breathing

4. Food aversions (magnum ice cream for me) and cravings (bananas and cheese pizza, not together lol).

5. Mild cramping since 1dpo with twinging and pulling sensations

6. Mild cold symptoms for 2/7

7. Lethargy with naps during the day- although this isn’t super unusual for me -just more than usual.

8. Racing heart - especially when over exerting on something small


10. Burping and occasional heart burn

11. Very dry mouth

12. Increased thirst (drinking up to 6 litres of water a day)

13. Increased urination as a result of 12. (6-8 times a day)

14. Crying at the smallest things

15. Mild lower lumbar back pain and sometimes thoracic back pain twinges in my hips

16. Intermittent, sometimes moderate tension headaches

17. foot cramps

18. vivid dreams that I can remember when I wake but forget lasted in the day

19. Constant butterflies sensation in stomach (not sure if related but too weird not to put in)

20. Feeing really cold at times (nil fevers)

21. And finally, I had some implantation bleeding 2/7 ago