Pcos questions?


I think I have Pcos because A. It STRONGLY runs on my dads side and also I have never had a regular cycle. But since my last micarriage which was 3 almost 4 years ago my period just stopped. I was diagnosed with Amenorrhea secondary and Anovulation 2 years ago. All I know is i dont ovualte. The doctor failed to even tell me that I also had 6 cysts on both ovaries. I learned all of this today when I downloaded MyChart. So I changed my Obgyn and I have an appointment in 2 days to see if I have PCOS. But I dont know anything about it but it causes cyts. Can I even have kids? Ive had a miscarriage in 2013 and 2017. No luck since then to get pregnant. The first time took 2 months, the second took me 4 years and now 3 years of trying and my periods just stopped