
Just venting. My baby is almost 3weeks. I’m honestly tired. I’m breastfeeding and its like I never get a break. I started introducing bottle feeds which I do twice a day so he doesn’t get overwhelmed. I’m not one to complain to my S.O. but at times he thinks I’m superwoman. Mostly during the day I’m home with the baby alone. Some nights he can sleep 2-3hours and wake to feed and go right back to sleep and other nights he will be so fussy. During the fussy fits and my S.O saying things like thats what I get for spoiling him. And its my fault that he cries... and I’m just like he’s a baby and he’s gonna cry🙄 why do people think that baby’s aren’t supposed to cry?! But anyways I haven’t allowed anyone to come over and see the baby yet because I’m so cautious but I just feel like I need some help.... ok vent over i guess🥴