October 27th Green team baby is here


I was scheduled to be induced at 7 pm on 10/20/20 due to Gestational Diabetes. I arrived at the hospital and immediately got the foley balloon and cytotec to let melt in my cheek. After that we kind of sat around and waited I slept in between using the restroom. Apparently I was having contractions and couldn’t feel them. Around 1 or 2 I used the restroom and thought I couldn’t feel the balloon anymore so I may be ready for it to be removed. So around 2 or 3 my nurse came in and I told her that and she pulled a little bit of it and it came right out. My doctor wanted us to start Pitocin at 4 so that was the plan until I was having contractions about every 1 minute but I didn’t feel them... so at 4:30 my nurse called my doctor to let her know where we were at. While she was in the hall on the phone my water broke and it all started from there. I was in active labor from about 4:30 till 7:30 a.m. exactly I pushed for about 10 minutes.

Theodore was born at 7:30 and is doing great. This was my first time and I am feeling great I have no pain although I do have a second degree tear. I didn’t do any pain medication either. I opted out of getting an epidural and I’m so glad I did.

Here is a picture of our precious Theo 🥰