What would you do? Read description first.


I’m 33. My husband is 34. We have a 2 year old daughter and want to try for baby #2. We want our kids to be close in age and we may want a third child too. We’re not young so we think we should get moving. However....there are several things holding us back. Part of me still really wants to TTC soon but I’m curious to know if you’d wait considering these things below...

1. COVID: We’re about to go into winter and there will likely be a spike in cases. This would bring a lot of stress to the pregnancy, especially for someone like me who suffers from anxiety.

2. Mental health: My mental health went down the drain last month. I think all the stress of covid was building up little by little and that along with my regular anxiety was just too much. It’s getting better as of the past few weeks because I’ve been taking really good care of my mental health, but it might be good to give it another few months or more to really stabilize.

3. Marriage: My husband and I haven’t prioritized each other since our daughter was born. We still love each other but our marriage has definitely suffered. It might be good to spend a little more time rebuilding our relationship.

4. Sleep & weaning: My daughter and I had a long and wonderful breastfeeding journey and it’s just about finished. I have two more nursing sessions to wean and should be done by end of next month. We also have very difficult sleep struggles with her. She doesn’t like to go to sleep at night and still wakes 1-3 times during the night. It’s a lot of me and my husband (mostly me). Would love to get her sleeping better before bringing another baby into our family.

5. Living situation: We live in a two bedroom condo. Nice place but would be tough to add another baby here. We already feel like we’ve outgrown it. Not a deal breaker. Just another thing to consider. We’re ready to buy but just need to find the right place.

All things considered, what would you do if you were in my situation? I know this was long so thank you for reading! Also, thank you in advance for any advice you’d like to share! ❤️

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