Earlier bed time help


Baby is three months old as of yesterday. For the longest time she wouldn’t go down until 1030 for the night. Now for the past couple of weeks i was able to get her down by 930. She’ll typically give me a 5-6 hour stretch. I would like her to go down earlier but can’t seem to do that. I tried last night by having her last nap end at 6 (which she woke up from on her own) and started her bedtime routine at 7. She BF, bath, massage, story time with daddy BF and went down by 830. She must have thought it was a nap. She was up 30 minutes later. I dont know how some are succeeding. I’m totally jealous. And now for the past couple of nights she is up constantly. Every 2-3hrs with waking an hour after she’s down crying for a couple of minutes and then falling a sleep. What can i do?