Life after divorce

After 7 years of a marriage and a 2 year son together, I have decided to divorce my husband who I have been separated from for the past 4 months. And I am looking for hope that there is life and love after divorce for a 32 year old mother.

My husband was emotionally, verbally and physically abusive to me throughout the years and I have been thinking about divorcing for over a year now but was not able to even physically remove myself from the situation until a few months ago and get the space i needed to begin to heal. I am now living with my parents and taking good care of myself and my son. I have been a stay at home mom since having my son and have not returned to work. I have savings of my own that I am using for extra personal expenses I may need and to cover the divorce costs.

The reason I give the history is to say that while being separated, I have started talking to someone else(for the last month and a half). He has not met my son and I do not plan on introducing him for some time, at least until the divorce is finalized. The guy I am talking to has never dated anyone with kids but he is open to it and wants children of his own someday. To me, he is a complete catch. He is kind, respectful, successful, and attractive. He is absolutely an upgrade from my ex(who everyone tells me that I have always been out of his league , only thing going for him is $$$).

I know it may seem soon to be dating again, and perhaps it is, But the truth is that I have been detached and distancing myself from my husband for well over a year now. I do not feel that I have been in love with him for many years. The connection that I have with this new guy has been really special for me.I just am surprised to know how quickly I have “found” someone else i am interested in. I know that anything is possible and of course we are not serious yet so things could fall apart at any moment

I really struggle with wondering why he would be interested in me, given my baggage of not being divorced yet, having a small child, not having a job, living with my parents at the moment, etc.

I just struggle wondering if I am good enough for someone like him. One of the things that kept me in my abusive marriage for so long is thinking that I would never be able to find love again and that I am ruined because of my marriage.

Has anyone with young children found love after their first marriage?