Traumatic experience with labor and birth !


I went to the hospital on October 23 to get induce everything started great i change into my  hospital gown before getting induce I got to 6 cm without any bad contractions after I got the  Pitocin the contractions got really bad I got my epidural around 7 cm I believe the pain escalated quickly then I got to 10 cm pretty quickly I pushed out my daughter in less then 10 minutes after I had my daughter they got the placenta out everything looked good she didn’t even tear me I would say my whole labor was 12 hours after the nurses clean me up to change me rooms things started to go down :( when I got to my postpartum room nurses came in and push on my belly and started massaging it and since the beginning they started to worry because my uterus was moving around and it wasn’t stable I was trickling a lot of blood each time they pushed on my belly that lasted for hours then a doctor came in and said she needed to put her whole hand inside my uterus to sweep around all the blood clots she did it 3 times and each time a big gush of blood came out and I could see it was something very serious because the nurses expressions were scary I had two nurses hold my hands while the doctor went inside my uterus manually to get all the blood clots out and another nurse hold my legs because it was to much pain to bear so I started to push I don’t know how I didn’t scream that was the most painful unbelievable  scariest thing ever :( after that happen they told me I needed a blood transfusion for all the blood I lost I got my blood transfusion and thankfully I started to feel better quickly but this left a mark in me traumatically and the doctor said I still have a slight chance to go through this all over again if I were to get pregnant again ...☹️