Confused. ..

Monique • Married.! Been with the love of my life since I was 16. 04/27/15 angel ep baby</3 xoxo Baby boy born June 14, 2016♡ 6 lbs 12 oz 18.5 in ♡
Well my period usually lasts for 7 days while not on any birth control. I had taken out my nexplanon and 2 weeks later my period started and lasted for as long as I thought it would ( 7 days ). I was due for my next period on the 17th of this month but I got it the 14th, no biggie. But it only lasted 3 1/2 days. Throughout the whole time, maybe a week before, I was soo sick to my stomach, had pain in my uterus, and just haven't been feeling like myself. I am also ttc. I just don't know what to think... Please help.