
I have a newborn who is two weeks old. I haven’t done anything but sit by her bassinet and go to her appointments. Even though I’ve been totally quarantined since March I am feeling more isolated at home than ever. She was so fussy yesterday I didn’t even get to do any of the Halloween stuff I wanted to do. Since Friday my husband said we should go on a drive to the mountains nearby and see the fall leaves and stuff. I was looking forward to actually leaving the house especially since fall is my favorite and I was too pregnant and tired to go to a pumpkin patch this year. As I was going to bed he asked me about it again and we discussed some logistics (feeding baby etc) and he realized we needed to take my car and that means the dog couldn’t ride with (I don’t let him in my car as my car is brand new and we don’t have covers for it yet). He didn’t say we couldn’t go so I kept my hopes up. I even said maybe we can figure something out for the dog. This morning I woke up and got baby ready at an appropriate time and was ready to get ready myself. But he got up and said nothing about leaving. Or the trip at all. It’s now almost noon and he went without saying anything to mow the lawn. So I guess we’re not going as it’s going to be too late to go soon. I’m just really upset that I didn’t do anything this weekend. I know that’s life with a newborn but my husband barely even helped with her either. I’m home 24/7 and he has work and runs errands whenever he feels like it or can go outside to do stuff in the yard. I think I just already envy his freedom. I just wanted to do something fun. I wish he would’ve just said we’re not going. I regret not asking sooner. Now I’m just crying next to my sleeping baby because I’m just worn out.