First ultrasound 7w4d 😍


I am soooo relieved! I've been freaking out since Friday as I've had dark brown/pink spotting on and off, and convinced myself I was miscarrying and that something was wrong and that they'd find no heartbeat.

Well I just had my first ultrasound today and got to see the little jelly bean and heart rate of 136bpm! 😍 I thought I was 8w4d according to my LMP, but she said I'm measuring at 7w4d, and I think I ovulated late so it makes sense. New due date is 17th June!

I'm still a bit worried about the spotting so going to see my GP tomorrow (haven't gotten an appt with OB yet otherwise I'd just call them), but seeing this ultrasound today has been such an enormous weight off my mind.