Is it possible??

Chelsea • Child of God • Wife💍• Girl Mom (x2)🌸

Hello ladies!! 💕

So I had my cd 14 ultrasound today. (I took 200mg Clomid on cd 3-7.) The tech said there were a bunch of little follicles, but none mature yet. That was @ 9am.

Last night, I had a pretty dark opk. It was very close to positive, if not actually positive. Then today, around 4pm, I took another opk. It was even darker!! ((Opk’s listed below))

So my question is, is it possible the tech just missed the mature follicle?? My left ovary is higher than my right, so sometimes it’s harder for her to get a good look at it. I’m just confused 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤞🏻