Breastfeeding and pump?

Christina • Christina. 20. Army Wife.
I plan on breastfeeding, but I was curious to know if I absolutely needed a breast pump? I plan on being a stay at home mom, at least until she is done nursing (assuming I will be able to produce). I know we will take her over to other people's houses and what not, but we honestly don't plan on being away from her for long periods of time; at least for the first year (is that crazy?), especially since this is our very first baby. So mommies, is a pump necessary?
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You'll never know if you'll need something until the moment you need it, so I say yes. Especially if you get a free one through your insurance or hospital. You may need some relief and need to pump even when baby isn't hungry or awake depending on how your milk comes in. Also don't forget if you have something to eat or drink that isn't good for baby, you can "pump and dump." It's always good to have just in case, hopefully you won't experience this but what if baby doesn't latch right away and you still want to give them the good juice instead of formula? :) 


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I used my pump to help build my supply by pumping after every nursing session for the first couple weeks. It helped my milk come in faster and made sure I had enough. I plan on doing the same thing with this baby 


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I never had one. And I breastfed my 4 babies till they were about 18 months. Plan on the same with this one. The only thing that was nice when I borrowed one from my sister was to release some of the extra milk when I was engorged at the very beginning.


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I'm going to be a SAHM too..but our insurance (most do) covered it! So I said why not get one if its free!! Lol😉 and a lot of people told me sometimes if the baby is sleeping(or just not hungry at the moment) you can get engorged and need one, or if dad wants to feed baby you'll need to pump! :)


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"Plan" is a bad word in my book. There isn't a plan. And nothing ever goes to plan. So always be prepared for bumps and turns! The fun kinds of course 😜


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I didn't really have a very good milk supply, so I pumped after every feeding to help build my supply. It's great to have one so that someone else (daddy/grandparents/etc) can feed the baby from time to time and create their own bond with the baby as well. 


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I am a work at home mom and my baby is with me all the time. I have a pump because my insurance provided one but I have barely used it. I pumped a bit in the first week or two because my milk came in slow. I haven't used it much since...I have tried to give my son a bottle of pumped milk and he won't take it so I don't make a point to pump. But if I can get him to take a bottle at some point the pump will be nice. It would be nice to get a break for a couple hours every now and again but since he won't take a bottle that doesn't happen!! If you can get one free through your insurance then I say get one but if not and it is a financial stretch don't worry about it. You can always get one after the baby is born if you change your mind.


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I say definitely get one. If insurance covers one, great, if not, maybe a single hand pump just incase. Situations happen that you can't expect and it's always good to have a little supply handy.


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I plan to do the same but I would like to at some point over the first year be able to maybe go to dinner or the store or something and not leave hubby or grandma all alone without anything. There could be an emergency and also I feel like its great to have a backup. I also want to be able to have some stored in case I can't breastfeed for as long as I plan for whatever reason and then perhaps she can benefit from my milk as long as possible. If your insurance covers it I say go for it! Or you can always get a manual pump so you feel like you have a little more freedom.