Am I being over sensitive?

So we picked a name for girl (though we don’t know what we’re having yet). I was hesitant to tell my SIL, we’ll call her Kate, just because I didn’t want to say any names until we knew the gender but decided to share with her after all. Well tonight I get a text from my other SIL, we’ll call her Sarah that says the following:

*Kate just told me you guys are thinking about ____ for a girl name and I always wanted to name my daughter _____.... so if you guys do I’m sorry but we are having the same name for our kids bc I’ve been set on this for awhile so don’t hate me okay 😂”

I’m frustrated in two parts. 1st is that I am bummed Kate shared the name in general. I know I never explicitly told her not to, but she has two kids and I have one myself and I just thought she’d be more considerate about that.

The 2nd thing I’m annoyed about is Sarah’s statement in general! I’m only 7.5 weeks along, but I think it is SO rude and selfish to text that because it’s our decision and our baby and we had never even spoken about baby names she would ever want? Idk what she was trying to accomplish. Trying to make me change the name or guilt me into feeling bad about it now? Background on her, while she is absolutely wonderful, she is young and goes through guys quickly.. like already slept with 10+ this year with no shame, which is totally fine and her prerogative as long as she’s being safe, so no judgment from me there, but I bring that up to share how far away from settling down she is.

I just feel annoyed, frustrated, and let down by both SILs. I know it’s silly and I keep trying to talk myself down to it just being hormones bc if I end up having a boy, I will feel so silly for getting frustrated. But right now I am and I can’t help it 😣

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