Is this confusing?

So, in this class the teacher gave someone else marks for a similar situation! As they were confused on wording in the text book! So, now I’m wondering if this is confusing or if I’m just dumb as I don’t get marks...

On the test the question was "Marijuana is the most frequently used drug by youth?" and I answered true and got it wrong, but,

On page 270 it says "However, while drug use overall has decreased among teens in recent years, marijuana is by far the most commonly used among this age group"

& then someone pointed out that on page 296 it says "Despite the public concern over the other drug categories, the number one substance of abuse has been, and continues to be, alcohol. It is also the substance most widely used by teenagers"

So, when I emailed the prof all she said was “alcohol is the most legal drug used by teens & marijuana is the most illegal drug used by teens” & that’s why I got it wrong... but the question never mentioned illegal or legal?? & since both were technically stated in the text as either the “most commonly” and the “most widely” I’m not sure how either answer could be wrong..

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