Ectopic pregnancy surgery

Miranda • Had 1 ectopic pregnancy 2020. Praying for baby #1 💗 Happily in a relationship; PCOS, no estrogen, maturing ovaries syndrome

So this was my first successful pregnancy and in the 2 weeks of finding out I’m pregnant and then finding out I was going to have to have an emergency ectopic pregnancy surgery for a removal of a my baby before I even get a chance to be a mother.....

It’s been a week and I’ve slowly lost all faith on having children. In the process of removing the fetus they also removed half of my tubes from both sides. Which gives me a very slim 20:80 chance of having kids in the next 2 years.

How do you get thru the hard times of finally get that BFP and then having all your dreams SMASHED all in front of you a week later??? And what’s crazy is my body is still trying to create at this point a phantom pregnancy..... and my husband and I haven’t looked at each other in this time either.