I don’t even want to try anymore.


Literally days of dealing with very faint lines on FR and I’m chalking them up to indents. I’m too emotionally exhausted to deal with this anymore. I don’t have the energy to deal with this constant disappointment and take care of my son so I’m done. I’m done TTC, I’m done testing, I’m done hoping for a second baby. If the Lord wants to bless us, no amount of me agonizing over it will change it. Gods will be done, I’m OUT.

And heads up: FRER isn’t the go to anymore for early testing unless you want soul crushing disappointment. Here is an example of one of my tests:

Edit to add: I have many MANY examples of horrible indents, this pic probably isn’t the best but whatevs, I literally don’t care 🤷🏼‍♀️